Thursday, September 3, 2020
Its a Fracking Problem free essay sample
Fracking is expanding in the U. S. , yet with this expansion of flammable gas comes an expansion of security concerns. The procedure of water powered fracking requires synthetic compounds that can influence the families that live close by. These synthetic substances additionally influence the earth on the land and noticeable all around. With fracking there comes its positives and its negatives, some great and some awful. There are not very many guidelines on how fracking should be possible, yet in the guidelines there isnt much assistance. Fracking for flammable gas should be additionally directed before it can proceed. Fracking is the way toward boring and infusing fracking liquid into the ground at high weights so as to crack shale rocks to discharge gaseous petrol. The fracking system is not quite the same as the typical oil strategy used to get oil. In the first place, they drill vertically into the ground. In the wake of penetrating, they infuse synthetics, water and sand into the well. We will compose a custom article test on Its a Fracking Problem or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page At the point when the shale rock is at long last split they start extricating the gaseous petrol. There are in excess of 500,000 dynamic flammable gas wells in the U. S. (Threats of Fracking). The materials required at a fracking site are a lot of water and sand. A fracking site needs one to 8,000,000 gallons of water and around 4,000,000 pounds of sand (Dangers of Fracking). The chart underneath shows the procedure of how fracking is finished. (refer to). The water, sand, and fracking liquid that is placed into the ground during the fracking strategy can have genuine wellbeing impacts. These materials have certain synthetic concoctions in them that can make issues families. The sand utilized in the process is ââ¬Å"silica sandâ⬠. At the point when the sand is impacted into wells, dust is discharged and goes into the air. With the sand particles now noticeable all around, they can now and again travel and influence individuals close to the site. Impacts from the ââ¬Å"silica sand are silicosis and lung cancerâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Silicosis could take years, even a very long time to show up and can't be turned around or curedâ⬠. Issues with the silica noticeable all around is the air is that a few families live close to these locales. There are not very many guidelines on measure of silica that can be permitted noticeable all around (Peeples). The fracking liquid utilized contains synthetic substances like: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (Dangers of Fracking). A portion of these synthetics are utilized for explosives, medications and pesticides. A familyââ¬â¢s drinking water was so defiled with synthetic concoctions that their water started ââ¬Å"bubbling like champagneâ⬠and their very much contained ââ¬Å"so much methane that the water spilling out of a nursery hose could be ignitedâ⬠(Thomas). The fracking liquid that was released or left over has additionally affected ranchers. A rancher did an examination with a knew about his dairy animals. He isolated two gatherings of dairy animals one containing sixty bovines and the other just containing thirty six. Of the bovines that were presented to water that had fracking liquid in it twenty one had passed on and sixteen couldn't deliver calves in the spring. The cows that were isolated from the water containing fracking liquid had no medical issues to them (Ramanujan). With all the genuine wellbeing impacts caused from ill-advised fracking why hasnt anybody successfully prevent organizations from arranging the synthetic substances inappropriately. ââ¬Å"Fracking has just drawn impressive investigation from natural gatherings, troubled mortgage holders, and groups of legal advisors who accuse the penetrating technique for dirtying immaculate streams, transforming rustic farmlands into loud mechanical zones, and releasing enough methane to make common faucet water as combustible as lighter fluidâ⬠(Hydrofracking). The primary worry that is raised by fracking is on the off chance that it is protected enough for families and the earth. An individual meeting was directed on Joe Nye who is an individual from the Clean Water Action gathering. He was asked ââ¬Å"Will there ever be a protected method to in any case utilize pressure driven fracking? â⬠. Joeââ¬â¢s reaction was ââ¬Å"No approach to know, however we do realize that the current way isn't sufficiently sheltered to mark it safe. We have to concentrate on genuinely safe wellsprings of vitality like breeze and sun based force and an accentuation on electric vehicles to lessen ozone harming substance emanations and evade the negative and destroying impacts of atmosphere changeâ⬠(Nye). In the condition the ground water and the air are the most affected from fracking. Synthetics can spill from the wells and get into the earths spring. The spring contains all of earths drinking water. It additionally contains water that is utilized for our harvests. Fracking likewise influences the air. Since there are scarcely any guidelines exhaust cloud is created where high regions of fracking happen and where there are cold spots. The synthetic compounds that are utilized in fracking are put away in regions called ââ¬Å"frac pitsâ⬠(Nye). ââ¬Å"The exclusion for the petroleum gas industry in the Clean Air Act permits drillers to dump an obscure measure of poisonous contamination into our air, now and again only a football field away from your home. Along these lines, weââ¬â¢re seeing more regrettable air quality and messy air in the Wyoming fields that we find in Los Angelesâ⬠(Brune). Another impact that can happen from fracking are quakes. A Canadian news story said ââ¬Å"There has been two investigations that have affirmed that quakes can be brought about by fracking. The tremors had not straightforwardly been brought about by the fracking procedure yet the waste water arranged improperlyâ⬠(Earthquakes). There are ways however to help decline the event of tremors and exhaust cloud in a territory. Guidelines have been made to prevent companys from discharging an excess of synthetic compounds into the ground. A bill that was presented that says ââ¬Å"Companies would now need to submit autonomous audits of their operationâ⬠(USA Today). More bills state ââ¬Å"That in California they would incidentally quit hydrofracking in aquifersâ⬠. (calf). They additionally expressed ââ¬Å"The organization would likewise need to give a rundown of the synthetics that are really going into the groundâ⬠(calf). These little guidelines and rules may not appear a lot, however extra time they will hep ensure nature. Individuals for fracking state that fracking will gracefully the U. S. with increasingly flammable gas and decline the United States reliance on remote oil, however is the Unites States really keeping every last bit of it? Fracking has numerous impediments, yet it has a couple of favorable circumstances too. Fracking takes into account individuals to arrive at in any case out of reach gas. With individuals ready to arrive at this petroleum gas, it will chop down the United States reliance on different countrys oil. Another positive for fracking is that it makes occupations for the economy. On the off chance that more employments are made, that implies that more Americans are working and that the economy is improving. Additionally with fracking the flammable gas created from penetrating is cleaner to consume at that point coal, that is if consumed appropriately. Despite the fact that these positives appear to be magnificent the negatives of fracking still out standard its positives. Each site that is manufactured uses a lot of water and land. The positives appear to be extraordinary for the U. S. , however are the negatives extremely worth the positives? The utilization of hydrofracking is quickly expanding as a principle approach to get flammable gas out of the ground. With fracking expanding so rapidly there will be supporters for both for and against it. What fracking really is, is a procedure where a blend of water, sand and synthetic concoctions is impacted into the ground at high weights to separate gaseous petrol caught in the shale rock. The procedure appears to be protected and simple to keep in charge, yet ordinarily wells wind up spilling and going in to the ground and people groups drinking water. Likewise if the fracking liquid is arranged inappropriately it could get into the air and travel away from the first site to families. Families that are presented to this harmful air are at risk for gaining silicosis or even lung malignant growth (Peeples). In spite of the fact that there are these negative impact there are still a few positives to take a gander at. With fracking comes and increment in employments for the U. S. and furthermore and increment in the United States economy. As the United States economy shows signs of improvement, they can gradually work away at the immense obligation they our in.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Learn How to Write a Letter Essay
Learn How to Write a Letter EssayHow to write a letter essay is the first question you should ask yourself if you are about to write a paper for school. Writing a letter essay is very different from writing a thesis, theses, and dissertations. It is an opportunity to use your creativity, research your topic, and persuade your reader that you have done your homework and have done your best to write a well-written paper.What is a letter essay? In English literature, it is the introduction to the conclusion of a literary piece. A letter essay can be lengthy or short, but it usually does not fit between two chapters. The letter essay is generally meant to conclude the work of a novel, a series of essays, or an encyclopedia. It is designed to make the reader feel they are going back to read the remainder of the work, if it is a book or a series of books.So how do you write a letter essay? To start with, you need to determine what kind of letter essay you want to write. Have you always wan ted to write a novel? Have you always wanted to write a scholarly report? If so, the option is available to you to write a letter essay to help you meet this goal.It will also benefit you to prepare a thesis statement. This will help you to organize your paper. At the same time, this will help you format your letters. You should also consider the style of your topic. For example, would you like to write about the art of astrology?If so, you will need to write a letter essay to assist you to express your points and provide you with the information you need to start writing your topic. Your thesis statement is usually introduced by asking yourself what are your main goals for the letter. This is the most important section of the essay, and one that must be written in an organized and appropriate manner.There are many different styles of letter essays. Most often the style will depend on the topic at hand. If you are writing a letter essay on astrology, then you will probably use some basic sentences and grammar conventions. Your point would be to relate to the reader a generalization of a particular astrological point, using different examples.However, if you are writing a paper for a college level course on Roman philosophy, you may find that you need to use quite a bit more specific format in order to get your point across. This is where the sentence structure, punctuation, and formatting come into play. It is important to have an idea of what style of paper you are writing as well as how to correctly format your paper.If you are looking for a great way to learn how to write a letter essay, it would be wise to take a class in writing a thesis statement or a literature composition course. Make sure that the class focuses on writing a letter essay. Then you will be prepared to be writing any number of letter essays and will be able to handle any number of different letter styles.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Grapes of Wrath - Beauty in the Midst of Hopelessness Essay
The Grapes of Wrath: Beauty in the Midst of Hopelessness à The Grapes of Wrath depicts life at its darkest.â It is the account of transient specialists and the hardships and heartbreaks that they experience as they are driven from their territory - the land thatâ they have lived on for ages - so the banks can make a benefit. à â â â Sure, cried the occupant men, however it's our land.â We estimated it and broke it up.â We were conceived on it, and we got executed on it, kicked the bucket on it.â That's what makes it our own - being conceived on it, working it, passing on it.â That makes proprietorship, not a paper with numbers on it (p.45). à â â â Steinbeck follows the Joad family as they leave their homestead to manufacture another life in the place that is known for fresh chances to succeed - California - where life is brilliant and employments are bottomless . . . or on the other hand so they think.â They are met with doubt and abhorrence by the occupants of the urban communities they go through, and they have little accomplishment in securing positions with pay rates that they can get by on. When the Joads arrive at California, they find that the circumstance there is a lot of the equivalent; the employments are meager and compensation low.â People are starving to death while organic product decays on the trees.â once more, this is so others can make a benefit. à â â â And kids biting the dust of pellagra must bite the dust on the grounds that a benefit can't be taken from an orange.â And coroners must fill in the testaments - kicked the bucket of lack of healthy sustenance - in light of the fact that the food must spoil, must be compelled to decay (p.477). à â â â Steinbeck wonderfully weaves a ground-breaking and grasping story of expectation, disaster, and endurance, substituting the record of the Joads' excursion with parts that make a stride back and show the battle of the United States as a whole.â This gives the book a profundity that is once in a while accomplished in writing - at le... ...rror behind - weird things transpire, some sharply pitiless and some so wonderful that the confidence is refired perpetually (p.166). Sources Cited and Consulted Cunningham, Charles D. Solidarity, Sympathy, Contempt: The Mythology of Rural Poverty in Depression America. Diss. Carnegie Mellon U, 2001. French, Warren. John Steinbeck Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 1, Gale Research Co.: Book Tower: Detroit 1973. Lechteihn, Yuri. The Awakening of Tom Joad. 2 pp. On the web. Web. 30 April, 2004. Accessible Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc, 1993. Timmerman, John. John Steinbeckââ¬â¢s Fiction. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1986. Wilson, Edmund. The Noonday Press. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 13, Gale Research Co. Book Tower: Detroit 1973.
Monday, June 8, 2020
New SAT Math How to Handle Complex Numbers
4Dont be fooled by the name! Complex numbers are not so complicated once you figure out how to deal with them. They are sometimes called imaginary numbers and are represented by the variable letter i, which is equivalent to the square root of -1. There are only a limited amount of ways you can be tested on this topic, so cementing this knowledge in your head is a great way to win some easy points on the test. After reading this guide, youll be doing a fist pump each time you see a complex numbers problem on the new SAT. New SAT Math: Simplifying Complex Numbers On the test, you might see large negative numbers within a radical. If you take a glance at the answer choices and see that they are littered with is, chances are good that you need to simplify in order to get to the right answer. For example, lets take a look at the square root of negative 36. In order to simplify this, use the imaginary letter i to take the negative out of the radical. Then reduce the radical down even further if possible. This leaves us with 6i. New SAT Math: Simplifying Fractions With Complex Numbers When dealing with fractions, it is customary to make sure that you dont leave any imaginary numbers in the denominator. If you have any stray is hanging there, multiply the numerator and denominator by i in order to get rid of it. If you have something more complicated in the denominator, such as 3 + 4i, then you will need to multiply the top and bottom of the fraction by something called the conjugate. Dont worry about the name; all you have to do is take the exact same numbers and flip the sign (from addition to subtraction or vice-versa). In this case, the conjugate of 3 + 4i is 3 ââ¬â 4i. New SAT Math: The Powers of Complex Numbers You will need to know how to reduce a power of i down to its simplest terms. You dont need to memorize this chart, but itll help speed up the process so that you dont have to think about it if you need it during the test. i = i i^2 = -1 i^3 = -i i^4 = 1 i^5 = i Since the pattern repeats in sets of 4, all you have to do is divide is power by 4 to figure out what it reduces down to. For example, if the quotient ends in .5, you know that it reduces to -1. New SAT Math: Complex Numbers on a Coordinate Plane Plotting imaginary numbers on a complex coordinate plane is a piece of cake. The x-axis represents the real numbers while the y-axis represents the imaginary numbers. For example, (3, -4i) lies on the same position as (3, -4) on a coordinate plane. Another way of representing (3, -4i) is 3 ââ¬â 4i. In order to find the magnitude (the distance from the origin to the coordinate) of a complex coordinate, simply use Pythagorean theorem to calculate the length of the diagonal side (starting from the origin). Thus, the magnitude of (3, -4i) is 5.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
What Parents Look at When Choosing a Public/Private School...
What Parents Look at When Choosing a Public/Private School Education is an institution that parents want to control as a way to insure/provide their children with the best education possible. Parent control/choice has slowly regressed from the colonial era where they could choose not only the school their child attended but also the textbooks used and the curriculum taught (McDonald 2001). Parents still obtain the right to choose the school that best tailors their childââ¬â¢s special uniqueness and educational needs, but due to social diversities and expansions parents have many factors that they now must take into consideration before choosing the best kind of school for their child (Russell 2001). Complexity, diversity, and financialâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Some questions parents want answered is if the schools provide buses, does each student have to provide his/her own means of transportation, or does the school provide student housing. All of these scenarios can complicate a parentââ¬â¢s decision for their childââ¬â¢s schooling drastically. A factor that helps out with this decision would be if the classes provided at one school were proven to be overtly more academically challenging/more appealing to the other. Some factors parents look at is what school has a bigger array of classes. Such choices would be either that one school has four levels of English, or many different kinds of classes. Some unique courses, which arenââ¬â¢t usually found in a traditional school setting, could be classes like sign language or kick line (Johnston 2001). Next parents sometimes look at the types of teachers that will be teaching these classes, how long the teacher has been teaching at that school, what teaching style is used (visual, oral, both), what the communities opinion of this teacher is, and does the school allow parents to request/choose their childââ¬â¢s teacher (Elliot 2001; Smith 2001). Along with such complexities as staff quality parents also look at how complex class scheduling is. Such scheduling differences can be block, alternating day, or a consistent daily schedule. Block scheduling is when each semester is broke into time frames (blocks) where certain classesShow MoreRelatedSchool Schools Vs. Public Schools1311 Words à |à 6 PagesParents worry about where they are going to send their kids to school. There is a big debate among parents in choosing where to send their children to school. People want to give their child the best education. The two major style of schooling is public and private schools. Public schools are schools that are set up and run by the government. Private schools are schools that are privately owned and are not controlled by the government. Both schools have positive and negative aspects. There are manyRead MorePrivate Schools Vs. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Internship With Battle Born Progress - 1642 Words
Administrative Intern: My Internship with Battle Born Progress As an administrative intern for Battle Born Progress, Iââ¬â¢ve developed a plethora of professional skills that have facilitated my understanding on how the political process works, particularly with campaigns. In the early part of my internship, I was learning the organizational structure of Battle Born Progress as a public relations firm. As a non-profit organization, Battle Born Progress seeks to strengthen the progressive community of Nevada through strategic communications and mobilization techniques in order to provide a fair opportunity for everyone to succeed. Since other organizations recognize the public relations value of Battle Born Progress, they will often times compensate Battle Born Progress in exchange for running their social media accounts. As an administrative intern, I was primary in charge of running social media for Battle Born Progress and its partners. Although the first couple of weeks were challenging, I became confident in my ability to effectively comm unicate the appropriate message to each of our partnerââ¬â¢s social media accounts. Furthermore, since this was an election year, I was taught a combination of administrative and campaign skills. This paper will be examining the chronological order of my internship at Battle Born Progress from August of 2016 to December of 2016. In the first couple days of my internship, I was learning how to properly use social media using various tools such asShow MoreRelatedVoting Registration Drives At Unlv And Registered Eight Students1732 Words à |à 7 PagesDuring the same week, I conducted voter registration drives at UNLV and registered eight students. During the month of October, I also wrote many letters to the editor on the Las Vegas Sun and the Las Vegas Review Journal regarding my opposition to the NFL stadium being built. 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Seasons Of A Mans Life Essay Example For Students
Seasons Of A Mans Life Essay Daniel J. Levinson wrote The Seasons of A Mans Life. Mr. Levinson conducted his research for the book in the late 1960s. At that time he was a Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry of the Yale University School of Medicine, Director of Psychology in the Connecticut Mental Health Center and Director of the Research Unit for Social Psychology and Psychiatry. Early in the book, Mr. Levinson states his reasons for engaging in theresearch of male adult development and for ultimately writing thebook. The choice of topic reflected a personal concern: at 46, I wanted to study the transition into middle age in order to understand what I had been going through myself. Over the previous ten years of my life had changed incrucial ways; I had developed in a sense I could not articulate. The studywould cast light on my own experience and, I hoped, contribute to an understanding of adult development in general.The book is completely about Levinsons theory of male adult development. Levinson acquired his research by interviewing 40 men between the ages of 35 and 45 from four different occupational groups. Through his interviews, Levinson believed that all males pass through aseries of stages, each of which presents a different problem to be solved. The first stage is known as the early adult transition (ages 17-22). The problem is to develop a sense of independence by separating from ones family and trying out different lifestyles. This is the stage where hopes and dreams are formulated. The next stage is entering the adult world (ages 22-28). The problemat this stage is to explore and obtain the many adult roles that are needed tobe happy and successful in ones career and relationships. A set of priorities begin to form. The age-thirty transition (ages 28-33) happens next. In this stage theman establishes his role in society, builds a nest, and pursues more long-range plans and goals. His problem may be evaluating earlier career choicesand goals. Immediately following the age-thirty transition is the settling downstage (ages 33-40). The problem here is to develop a sense of success in themajor areas of ones life, primarily ones career and relationships. The mid-life transition (early 40s) begins next. The problem here is to evaluate ones life goals and commitments, knowing that there is only a limited amount of time to reach them. The feeling that time is running out may contribute to what is often called the mid-life crisis. Lastly, entering middle adulthood (middle 40s). Here the problem islearning to live with previous decisions, such as by becoming morecommitted to ones family or career. I feel that the book was written very well. It went in-depth inmapping out the stages and the events in each one of the stages. I couldrelate to some but most I could not since Levinson limited his research toonly males. I am a female and only 22 so I have just barely entered into the early adult era. Looking at older males around me I can see some of what Levinson has stated to be true, however, I just dont believe that every maleis going to go through the life stages just as he says. I think that for the time when this book was written, Levinson probably did a great job in describing the stages. Most of the men that he interviewed were born before and duringthe Depression. What was true for the men that were interviewed may notbe true for todays 40-year-olds. By reading this book I can atbest say that I have a more complete understanding of male adult development. .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff , .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff .postImageUrl , .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff , .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff:hover , .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff:visited , .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff:active { border:0!important; } .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff:active , .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf38f47eff3192f382b61864ed4b50aff:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: |BENEFITS OF THE NATIONAL MINIMUM WAGE | EssayReferenceLevinson, D. J. (1977). The Seasons of a Mans Life. Ballantine Books. Daniel J. Levinson wrote The Seasons of A Mans Life. Mr. Levinson conducted his research for the book in the late 1960s. At that time he was a Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry of the Yale University School of Medicine, Director of Psychology in the Connecticut Mental Health Center and Director of the Research Unit for Social Psychology and Psychiatry. Early in the book, Mr. Levinson states his reasons for engaging in theresearch of male adult development and for ultimately writing thebook. The choice of topic reflected a personal concern: at 46, I wanted to study the transition into middle age in order to understand what I had been going through myself. Over the previous ten years of my life had changed incrucial ways; I had developed in a sense I could not articulate. The studywould cast light on my own experience and, I hoped, contribute to an understanding of adult development in general.The book is completely about Levinsons theory of male adult development. Levinson acquired his research by interviewing 40 men between the ages of 35 and 45 from four different occupational groups. Through his interviews, Levinson believed that all males pass through aseries of stages, each of which presents a different problem to be solved. The first stage is known as the early adult transition (ages 17-22). The problem is to develop a sense of independence by separating from ones family and trying out different lifestyles. This is the stage where hopes and dreams are formulated. The next stage is entering the adult world (ages 22-28). The problemat this stage is to explore and obtain the many adult roles that are needed tobe happy and successful in ones career and relationships. A set of priorities begin to form. The age-thirty transition (ages 28-33) happens next. In this stage theman establishes his role in society, builds a nest, and pursues more long-range plans and goals. His problem may be evaluating earlier career choicesand goals. Immediately following the age-thirty transition is the settling downstage (ages 33-40). The problem here is to develop a sense of success in themajor areas of ones life, primarily ones career and relationships. The mid-life transition (early 40s) begins next. The problem here is to evaluate ones life goals and commitments, knowing that there is only a limited amount of time to reach them. The feeling that time is running out may contribute to what is often called the mid-life crisis. Lastly, entering middle adulthood (middle 40s). Here the problem islearning to live with previous decisions, such as by becoming morecommitted to ones family or career. I feel that the book was written very well. It went in-depth inmapping out the stages and the events in each one of the stages. I couldrelate to some but most I could not since Levinson limited his research toonly males. I am a female and only 22 so I have just barely entered into the early adult era. Looking at older males around me I can see some of what Levinson has stated to be true, however, I just dont believe that every maleis going to go through the life stages just as he says. I think that for the time when this book was written, Levinson probably did a great job in describing the stages. Most of the men that he interviewed were born before and duringthe Depression. What was true for the men that were interviewed may notbe true for todays 40-year-olds. By reading this book I can atbest say that I have a more complete understanding of male adult development. .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02 , .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02 .postImageUrl , .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02 , .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02:hover , .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02:visited , .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02:active { border:0!important; } .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02:active , .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02 .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub933dc852424b2cda843d9be455c9c02:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: According to Geldard EssayReferenceLevinson, D. J. (1977). The Seasons of a Mans Life. Ballantine Books. Book Reports
Monday, April 20, 2020
Musical Career of B.B. King
Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Conclusion Works Cited Abstract Riley B. King was born in Mississippi Delta to parents whose only profession was sharecropping. While at a tender age of five years, his parents were divorced and he ended up living with his mother in downtown Mississippi. By the time he was celebrating his seventh birthday, the young boy was performing chores that were befitting an adult.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Musical Career of B.B. King specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When he turned nine years, he had to live on his own after his mother and grandmother passed away. With his mother who was his sole source of inspiration gone, King turned to the church for solace. While attending church, King got inspiration from the music presented during worship. This inspiration gave him the desire to become a gospel musician when he grew up. His preacher taught him how to play the guitar and through his employer, he acquired his first guitar at the age of 12. Life presented many challenges for him and he had to sing for a small fee in street corners for survival. This humble beginning later on became a stepping-stone for a great musical career spanning many years. This research paper talks about the musical background and musical career of B.B. King. The paper also examines his achievements and awards. Introduction Riley B. King was born in Mississippi Delta to parents whose only profession was sharecropping. While at a tender age of five years, his parents were divorced and he ended up living with his mother in downtown Mississippi. By the time he was celebrating his seventh birthday, the young boy was performing chores that were befitting an adult. When he turned nine years, he had to live on his own after his mother and grandmother passed away. With his mother who was his sole source of inspiration gone, King turned to the church for solace. While attendin g church, King got inspiration from the music presented during worship. This inspiration gave him the desire to become a gospel musician when he grew up. His preacher taught him how to play the guitar and through his employer, he acquired his first guitar at the age of 12. Life presented many challenges for him and he had to sing for a small fee in street corners for survival. This humble beginning later on became a stepping-stone for a great musical career spanning many years. (Academy of Achievement) Historians agree that B.B. King has made much contribution in making blues gain acceptance and reverence across nations. King has combined his tenacity, character, and style to bridge the great differences created by political opinions, economics, race and cultural differences. All throughout the globe, King is hailed as an idol and representative of American customs. Historians agree that King is a musician of his own class. The rising disintegration of music, coupled with Kingââ¬â ¢s gift, character and ability to endure for long all indicate that it will be hard to get another blues icon that is immediately identifiable in popular culture. Kingââ¬â¢s real journey toward stardom can be traced back to 1946 when he was only 20 years old. Armed with only $2.50, he set out on a journey from his hometown for Memphis in search of a better life.Advertising Looking for research paper on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This turned out to be a journey that would transform his life and music career. By the time King began performing blues it was confined to its origins, jukebox joints. King helped change this trend and took blues to the deluxe concert halls across the globe. This is seen as the first and the most important of Kingââ¬â¢s achievements. (Cooksey) King is believed to be farsighted when it came to blues. He is credited for having been the first to experiment the connection betwee n widespread tours and music sales. While King was working hard to make money through music sales, he was also inventing ways to make blues more acceptable to the world. He did this by fusing many genres in his music. His style of music became a great inspiration to various musicians in the blues industry. Even in old age, this trend has not stopped and he is still bringing new creations in the music. He is credited with fusing elements of waltz, funk, pop, and soul to blues. Another achievement and one that is often overlooked in Kingââ¬â¢s life is his ability to deal with adversity. Although he has chosen to travel a forlorn journey for both himself and his career, he has lost many fellow musicians, acquaintances and even lovers. In his life, King has never been known to have much luck with wives and even children. Despite these personal and tragic misfortunes, he has not lost hope in life. King has been termed as one of the people with the greatest desires to learn and accompl ish the goals they have set out for themselves. Even in old age, King has sworn not to change his lifestyle or to scale down his schedule of performances. This is despite the fact that the aging musician is struggling with diabetes. This can only be termed as a great achievement and motivation not only for other musicians but for the public as well. (King Ritz 12) Despite taking blues to a higher level and his unmatched ability to deal with personal issues, King has other numerous accomplishments and awards. Towards the 1970ââ¬â¢s, almost all the new generation of musicians claimed that they were inspired to enter in to music by B.B. King. His 1965 albums Live at the Regal and the 1966 Donââ¬â¢t Answer the Door Part 1 remained on top of the Rhythm and Charts for the longest period than any other music in history. In 1969, he opened a record 18 concerts for a single group, the Rolling Stones. In the 70ââ¬â¢s and throughout the 80ââ¬â¢s, King was making an average of 300 appearances per year.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Musical Career of B.B. King specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This translated to almost one appearance per day, a record for any living musician. These dates were scattered all around the globe. In 1984, he was included into the Blues Foundation Hall of Fame (BFHF), which is the highest honor for Rhythm and Blues musicians. Three years later, he was incorporated in to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (RRHF), which is also a highest honor. (Universal Music Group) In 1987 the same year that he was inducted into the RRHF, he also earned his music achievements also earned him a Grammy Award for Lifetime Achievement. This Grammy Award was a great boost for his career. In recognition of his achievements, great music schools like the University of Mississippi, Yale, and Berklee College of Music have all awarded him honorary doctorates for his immense contribut ion to the music industry. In total, the King of Blues has received close to 18 Grammy Awards and the coveted Presidential Medal of the Arts. On top of this, he has also been awarded the Kennedy Center Honors. He has also opened clubs bearing his B.B. King Trademark in every major American city. He has also published an autobiography, Blues All Around Me, which remains a bestseller around the world. Due to old age, he has scaled down his performances from an estimated 300 to 250. This is still a high number for a musician who is well into his eighties. (Sharp) Conclusion B.B. Kingââ¬â¢s influence into the world of blues is unquestionable. The musician boasts of 75 albums to his feather. However, lovers of blues music have questioned his character in the recent past. Some critics claim that King does everything including compromising his art just to arouse public interest. On top of this, some blues musicians claim that King has left his traditional role of mentoring them since at taining the celebrity status. This is not strange considering that King has his whole life lived a secluded life. Whether the skeptics and critics claims hold any truth is still a debatable subject. However, one undisputable thing is that Kingââ¬â¢s every move opens further doors for the advancement of blues music. This is in keeping with his traditional role of opening more doors for blues musicians to sell their music. This therefore makes it hard to claim that B.B. King has abandoned his role and fellow musicians. Works Cited Academy of Achievement. B.B. King Biography, 2010. Web. Cooksey, Gloria. B.B. King Biography, 2010. Web.Advertising Looking for research paper on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More King, B.B, Ritz, David. Blues All Around Me: The Autobiography of B.B. King. Avon Books, New York, 1996. 10-15. Print. Sharp, Steven. Long Live the King of the Blues, n.d. Web. Universal Music Group. B.B. King, 2010. Web. This research paper on Musical Career of B.B. King was written and submitted by user OldLace to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Descartes and Meditations on Philosophy essays
Descartes and Meditations on Philosophy essays Rene Descartes, a French philosopher, departed to Holland in order to pursue his dream of writing. During this period while he was in Holland, he wrote many works including one of his most known, Meditations on First Philosophy. In this work Descartes uses a specific method, sometimes referred to as the Cartesian Method and the Method of Universal Doubt, in order to reach a certain goal. In this paper I will be discussing the basic steps and goals of his method, while referring to the first four meditations in Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy, to show how the method has been put into action. Descartes method begins immediately in the first meditation, in Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy, when he explains, I have freed my mind of all cares, secured for myself a period of leisurely tranquility, and am with drawing into solitude (Descartes 13). Descartes wants to be alone and have peace while writing his meditations so that he can be able to concentrate and look at every aspect of his argument, to make sure the his logic and reason makes sense. He is not going to procrastinate anymore. The main goal of the first meditation was that Descartes wants to demolish all opinions (Descartes 13). He decides to wipe out everything that he once believed in, in order to establish a foundation for his argument that is sturdy. He knows it will be hard not to go back to these old opinions that he used to believe in as a child and young adult, but the only way to get to the truth is to doubt all these opinions and start a completely new form of thought. For example, he does th is by looking at the argument of the dream. He explains that when we dream the experience we have seems to be true and because of this how will anyone be able to distinguish being awake from being asleep (Descartes 14). This is why Descartes thinks we should doubt all things because our senses are not reliable. Furthermore, t...
Friday, February 28, 2020
Project Management for Information Systems Essay
Project Management for Information Systems - Essay Example This problem can be fixed through building several core load images which use a similar template for all computers in the environment. For instance, if this template uses windows 7, then it can support all other computers connected to this server. The language used may also be easy to support and the advantage of this is that licensing is easier to handle. For instance, Microsoft has this core image where one large license is used. Therefore, it is cheaper to buy an MSDN-package which is comprised of the core application. Each department should have its core application. 14 5.4Benefits of Cloud Computing(SAAS) 14 Selection of location 15 Locations can be selected freely and this helps to minimize overhead expenses. 15 Use of device 15 Cloud computing services can accessed from any devise such as computer or phone ( 15 6.Management Summary (250 word) 15 1. Introduction This report seeks to evaluate the processes involve d in implementing a standard software development methodology in an engineering company in order to streamline its project management and software development so that they become standardised. This report is comprised of four parts which include the following: the first part outlines and evaluates how Prince2 project management methodology can be implemented in managing such a project that is related to software development methodology, the second part deals with estimated set up costs of the standardisation project. The third part outlines the benefits of adopting a standard software development methodology and it outlines the benefits of replacing a mix environment of PCs, operating systems and applications with a standard PC hardware build which incorporates the same operating system. The last part summarises the findings of the project which will be used as the basis for decision making. 2. Project Management Report This section describes PRINCE2 methodology in order to meet the requirements of the directors who have underscored to implement a standard project management methodology for the whole company. Basically, PRINCE2 methodology is meant to incorporate different types of projects and it is a widely used tool in project management (Cradle & Yeats, 2004). 2.1 Project in Controlled Environments According to Prince2 official website (2012), Prince2 is a process based method for effective project management in controlled environments and it is mainly recommended by the UK government in carrying out major projects. Basically, it outlines the internal processes of the organization and the tasks to meet each process are clearly defined. The project is divided into smaller components that are easy to manage and control. 2.2 PRINCE2 organisation structure In order to implement the standard software development methodology in this company, the following structure is advocated. 2.3 Project Board The project board is responsible for authorising the project as we ll as all other activities that should be executed. The board has the role of approving the budget as well as to ensure that quality is guaranteed in the
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Ethics Awareness Inventory Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Ethics Awareness Inventory Analysis - Essay Example It meant that I value more the propriety of things and circumstances as well as the welfare and feelings of others more than the result or getting a particular task done. It is because I believe that if we are too concern about the result, it may lead us astray and do things that are far from the ideal. It does not mean however that I do not want to get things done. I am also concerned with results but I wanted to do it the right way. My ethical perspective of being more concerned with equity and least concerned about the result is a result of the various factors that influenced my value system. This is the interplay of how my parents brought me up, how my teachers taught me, how my community helped me shape values and my personal assessment of things. My parents taught to always do the right thing regardless of the circumstances and not to do injustice to other people just to get what I want. I have been taught to be considerate to people which explains why equity mattered to me more than result. School also taught me to be ethical. We were taught about the importance and benefit of doing the right thing. In addition, the cases about Enron, Worldcom and other corporate scandals that were rooted in unethical business practices really taught me the value of doing the right thing before the results. These companies, particularly Enron were so engrossed in getting results that they ended up manipulating their financ ial statements to appear profitable when they were not. Of course not all people agree with my ethical perspective. Many people today are driven to get results whatever it takes (even if they have to resort to undesirable actions) and my choice for looking at the ethical aspect of any action, as well as the people concern may be a hassle to them. For me however, I find it more durable to be considerate and ethical because it
Friday, January 31, 2020
Civil War Position Paper Essay Example for Free
Civil War Position Paper Essay The American Civil War almost tore early America and its population apart. Still today people debate weather slavery was the primary cause for the war. In this paper I will explain why I believe slavery was not the primary cause of the American Civil War. Also I will point out many other factors that may have played a bigger role in the cause of the Civil War. Southern states believed STRONGLY in statesââ¬â¢ rights. Statesââ¬â¢ rights are the belief that one should be loyal to their state instead of the country as a whole, also they believed that states should be able to make their own laws to their liking without having to answer to the country. This alone created tension between the southern states and the northern states for northern states felt that the constitution clearly stated that states can create laws as long as they do not conflict with the laws of the country. In addition to the tension between the north and south congress placed a tax on goods bought outside of the country otherwise known as tariffs. In 1828 and 1832, congress raised tariffs higher and higher. These taxes were hated by the southern states for they did not have many factories unlike theyââ¬â¢re northern counterparts, and thus they paid tariffs more often. In one instance a southern state refused to pay the tariff nullifying the tax congress had placed this event known as the nullification crisis drove the wedge between the north and south further The bloody fighting between northern and southern voters in Kansas was another step in the path of the civil war. Due to the popular sovereignty act suggested by Senator Stephen Douglas the people where able to vote on whether that territory wouldââ¬â¢ve been a free state or a slave state, this caused voters from both the north and the south to pour into these states hoping to tip the scale in their favor in doing this conflict between the two erupted as homes were burned and people were murdered. In conclusion I do not believe that slavery was the primary cause of the civil war. My reason for thinking this is because of all the events that the country had to push though on top of slavery. For starters states rights, tariffs, nullification crisis, the Kansas Nebraska act, and the bleeding Kansas scare all played a bigger part in the cause of the civil war rather then slavery.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Lord of the Rings :: essays research papers
It is easy for the reader who enters the enchanted realm of Tolkien's own work to be lost in the magic of the Middle-Earth and to forbear to ask questions. Surrounded by elves, hobbits, dragons and orcs, wandering the pristine fields and woods, described with such loving care they seem almost real, it is easy to forget there is another world outside, the world in which John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, an Oxford don, lived and wrote his monumental series of fantasy novels. It is, after all, natural to want to escape humdrum reality. Literature that offers a simple pleasure of a different time, a different place has nothing to be ashamed of. Tolkien in the same essay describes "escape and consolation" as one of the chief functions of the fairy-tale by which term he understands also what we would call "literary fantasy" today. "Escape and consolation" seem to be self-evident terms. What is there to discuss? Perhaps all that I have to do today is to praise Tolkie n's fertile imagination and to step modestly aside. But the sentence I just quoted suggests that asking questions about the fairy-tale realm is not so much unnecessary as dangerous. You risk not merely boredom and disenchantment but the actual expulsion from the Fairyland. Why? Is there, perhaps, more to the magic land than meets the eye? What if the "escape" it offers is fake; what if Middle-Earth lies not "in a galaxy long ago and far away", as Star Wars put it, but much closer to home, right on the border with Tolkien's war-stricken England of the 1940s and perhaps even not so far from our own turbulent Middle East. What if the further away we travel, the more inevitably we come home? These are the questions I want to discuss today.And if the result of this inquiry will be the loss of the key to the gates of Paradise, I'm willing to take this risk. Therefore the focus of this talk will be the question that Tolkien himself emphasized as central to our perception of works of fantasy: what is "the effect produced now by these old things in the stories as they are" (32); in other words, how are the elves, orcs, the Dark Lord and the magic ring relevant to the here and now? However, I do not believe that the answer to this question should be sought in the circumstances of the author's own life.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
A Soft Drink Tax According to John Stuart Mill Essay
The Coca-Cola brand has built itself into a staple of American culture. This is a terrifying thought for public health advocates who see Coke and other soft drinks as being major culprits behind a growing national health crisis. Empirical evidence shows that over-consumption of soft drinks clearly causes harm to the individuals who consume them, however, the waging battle over soda legislation will not be won on the grounds of health alone. The argument that Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and other soft drink firms present is deeply rooted in American values and cannot easily be trumped. What they argue for is freedom of choice. In his book On Liberty, John Stuart Mill states, ââ¬Å"over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereignâ⬠(9). If an individual chooses that he wants to drink soda pop, he should be allowed a high degree of liberty to make that decision. Such is the foundation of a soft drink firmââ¬â¢s purported right to exist. If consumers demand it, Coca-Cola executives will get as red in the face as their soda cans stating that they play an innocent and vital role in fulfilling that demand. One method through which public health advocates wish to regulate soft drinks is in the implementation of a soda tax. Advocates for such a tax may argue that individuals who harm themselves by overindulging in soda should be limited in their consumption. Since supply and demand are sensitive to market conditions, a tax would undoubtedly lower the quantity of soda demanded, particularly in low-income families where obesity and diabetes are most common. Mill claims that ââ¬Å"to tax stimulants for the sole purpose of making them more difficult to be obtained is a measure differing only in degree from their entire prohibition, and would be justifiable only if that were justifiable. Every increase of cost is a prohibition to those whose means do not come up to the augmented price; and to those who do, it is a penalty laid on them for gratifying a particular tasteâ⬠(99). Soft drink firms would cite Mill here in their argument that individualsââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"choice of pleasures and their mode of expending their income, after satisfying their legal and moral obligations to the State and to the individuals, are their own concern and must rest with their own judgmentâ⬠(99). While Millââ¬â¢s line of reasoning would appear to speak against a soft drink tax, he goes on to remind us that ââ¬Å"taxation for fiscal purposes is absolutely inevitableâ⬠¦ It is hence the duty of the State to consider, in the imposition of taxes, what commodities the consumers can best spareâ⬠¦ [and] to select in preference those of which it deems the use, beyond a very moderate quantity, to be positively injuriousâ⬠(100). Being that over-consumption of soda pop is certainly injurious to the consumer, and especially in light of the current economic downturn in this country, Mill would approve of a soft drink tax as an effective means through which to produce revenue for the State. While a tax on soft drinks would be permissible by Millââ¬â¢s standards, some proponents of soft drink legislation would go so far as to ban their sale altogether. However, even if the vast majority of the public were motivated to impose such a ban, Mill would hesitate to condone such a severe form of coercion. The basis for Millââ¬â¢s harm principle is that ââ¬Å"the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any members of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to othersâ⬠(9). Although soft drink firms have a clear interest in ââ¬Å"promoting intemperanceâ⬠(99) in order to generate profit, those firms will argue fervently that the consumption of soda is not such a great evil that the State would be justified in ââ¬Å"imposing restrictions and requiring guarantees whichâ⬠¦ would be infringements of legitimate libertyâ⬠(99). Therefore, in order to present a stronger argument for a ban on soft drinks, advocates would do well to prove that in drinking soda pop, individuals cause harm not only to themselves, but also to others. To consume soft drinks to the point of excess can lead to the deterioration of an individualââ¬â¢s health. This may appear to be a self-regarding action until one considers the cost such individuals impose on taxpayers. Citizens whose unhealthy lifestyles regularly land them in the hospital eat up government health care, at which point their actions cease to be self-regarding and become harmful to society at large. With this in mind, are we still to protect individualsââ¬â¢ liberty to drink soda pop? Soft drink firms may point to Mill in arguing that the accountability for such harm lies not with soda, but with the society that raises gluttonous individuals. If grown people are incapable of properly taking care of themselves, society must consider that it ââ¬Å"has had absolute power over them during all the early portion of their existence; it has had the whole period of childhood and nonage in which to try whether it could make them capable of rational conduct in lifeâ⬠(80). It is on this point that we must consider the role that mass media plays in the world today. The pervasiveness of corporate advertising in the U. S. manipulates childrenââ¬â¢s impressionable faculties of reason, subverting the ability of even responsible parents and educators to impart rational consumption habits on their young ones. Mill writes that he could not see how people could witness an act of self-harm and think it ââ¬Å"more salutary than hurtful, since, if it displays the misconduct, it displays also the painful or degrading consequences which, if the conduct is justly censured, must be supposed to be in all or most cases attendant on itâ⬠(81). This argument is undermined by the fallacy of soft drink advertising, which positively portrays the act of drinking soda without showing the adverse long-term effects of its consumption. When a world-class athlete endorses soda pop, susceptible consumers, particularly children, are inclined to associate soft drinks with scoring goals and dunking basketballs rather than with cancer and heart disease. In arguing against the proliferation of soft drinks, one should appeal to a fundamental component of Millââ¬â¢s doctrine, which states that his harm principle does not apply to ââ¬Å"children or of young persons below the age which the law may fix as that of manhood or womanhood. Those who are still in a state to require being taken care of by others must be protected against their own actions as well as against external injuryâ⬠(9). In other words; children do not have the maturity to make rational, informed decisions that lead to actions that could potentially cause them harm, for instance, the act of guzzling down a 99 cent Coke. The American Beverage Association would echo John Stuart Mill in saying that ââ¬Å"human beings owe to each other help to distinguish the better from the worse, and encouragement to choose the former and avoid the latterâ⬠(74). It is their argument that parents and educators, not government, are responsible for dissuading children to consume soft drinks. Indeed, parents and educators can form a partnership in banning the sale of soft drinks in schools, but it is beyond their power to prevent a non-responsible child from seeing a deviously enticing soda ad on TV and irrationally choosing to spend his or her allowance on soda pop. Therefore, the State would be justified in regulating childrenââ¬â¢s access to soft drinks by legally coercing soft drink firms to discontinue their advertisements geared toward children, as well as by imposing a minimum age requirement for the purchasing of soft drinks.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Regression analysis of oil price return - 3199 Words
Contents 1.0 Introduction and Motivation 2 2.0 Methodology 5 2.1. Descriptive Statistics 5 2.2 Matrix of pairwise correlation. 6 3.0 Model Specification 6 3.1 Linear Regression Model. 6 3.2 The Regression Specification Error Test 8 3.3 Non-linear models 9 3.4 Autocorrelation. 10 3.5 Heteroskedasticity Test 10 4.0 Hypothesis Testing 11 5.0 Binary (Dummy) Variables 11 6.0 Conclusion 13 Reference List 13 1.0 Introduction and Motivation Crude oil is one of the worldââ¬â¢s most important natural resources. Over the past six decades or so, crude oil ââ¬â because of the products derived from it, has become highly indispensable in our everyday lives. Despite being a non-renewable resource, it is still used extensively in power generation.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Through group brainstorming, we came up with a number of variables that theoretically should affect the price of crude oil, and we used Bloomberg to find data on the same. Our two main criteria for a ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠variable were statistical significance and R2. We conducted a regression analysis as well as multiple regression analysis to double check the variables we selected on the Bloomberg terminal. Moreover, so as to not omit any good variables, we broadened our search to the Oil commodity section to find relevant industry reports and prospective variables. Through a process of rough trial and error, and after eliminating several variables d ue to problems such as multicollinearity and heteroskedasticity, we finalized the three variables that are mentioned below. As crude oil is invoiced in USD, it is of interest to note how fluctuations in the value of the USD affect oil prices. Another of our factors is the price of natural gas, the closest substitute as a source of energy to oil. Lastly, we seek to establish a relationship between returns in the SP500 and oil prices. We used monthly time-series data over a period of ten years beginning from 2005 for the purpose of this study. To avoid issues of non-stationary data, we used oil price returns and SP500 returns. 2.0 Methodology Our y variable is the percentage monthly return on WTI oil spot prices. West Texas Intermediate Cushing crude oil price is typically used as the reference spot price in theShow MoreRelatedAccounting Information and Predicting Financial Performance1049 Words à |à 5 Pagesaccounting information includes regression analysis. Regression analysis is viewed by many to be more useful that financial data or ratios alone. 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